Become a reviewer - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Become a reviewer

We regularly seek offers to undertake a blind peer-review of submissions to the JLDHE (Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education).

Regular calls for reviewers are published on the JLDHE blog and the LDHEN Jisc mail list.

Please join our register of reviewers and list your interests. New reviewers are welcome! The editors will then select reviewers and inform those involved.

NB: it is essential to be respectful of the writers of submissions to our journal, especially when they are at the draft stages. Please do not comment publicly on any aspect of the paper title or abstract.

Article of the Year Award (AoYA)

In 2024, we have introduced a new award to honour the exceptional authors who have published in the journal.

The JLDHE Article of the Year Award recognises one article annually that demonstrates an outstanding contribution to the field of learning development and teaching and learning in general. Nominated articles are required to meet a minimum of two selection criteria.

Reviewer of the Year Awards (RoYA)

In 2022, we were thrilled to launch the annual JLDHE Reviewer of the Year Awards (RoYA) to recognise and celebrate excellence among our peer reviewers. 

Every year we select a top reviewer who makes exceptionally helpful contributions to the Journal in terms of the quantity, quality, and timeliness of their reviews, as well as their generosity in sharing expertise, their scholarly rigour, and their kindness.

While honouring only one colleague in this way, we also want to acknowledge – as we do in our editorials – that many other reviewers regularly provide outstanding support for the Journal. We are immensely grateful for their hard work, for their time, and for helping us to foster this unique community of Learning Developers committed to excellence in research.

Find out more about the awards and see previous award winners

RoYA Award Trophy
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