Contribute to the Collaborative Conference Proceedings and Reflections at #ALDcon24 - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Contribute to the Collaborative Conference Proceedings and Reflections at #ALDcon24

We are putting together Collaborative Conference Proceedings and Reflections from ALDCon24 and we ask for your contributions to it in the form of critical reflections, observations, and conversations that emerged from the conference session you attended. This collective reflection intends to promote a dialogic approach to scholarly activity in LD and to further our view that a conference presentation, workshop or poster should not be the end of the conversation.

All delegates will be able to access the collaborative documents via the programme on the ALDinHE conference website.

This special volume will be published as Collaborative Conference Proceedings and Reflections by the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, to be released in Autumn 2024. You can also read the 2023 and 2022 editions on the JLDHE website.

The deadline for contributions is Friday 12 July 2024, 5pm (UK time)

Your reflection can be a short paragraph or 1-2 sentences that capture the essence of your observations, but in some instances longer reflections may be appropriate as well. We also welcome visual contributions, including original drawings and illustrations that do not require seeking permission to publish.

While the presentation abstracts and authors’ reflections will be formally reviewed, the collaborative element will be a creative co-production of ideas by the LD community and edited by a community sourced editorial team. As a publication in the JLDHE, it will have a citation with a DOI number. If not anonymously submitted, your contributions can be used to help support your evidence of impact across the HE sector and your on-going professional development.

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