EDI Seminar Series: Who cares? The positioning of unpaid carers in higher education and the workplace - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

EDI Seminar Series: Who cares? The positioning of unpaid carers in higher education and the workplace


Event Date: 24/09/2024
Event Time: 13:00 to 14:00

This session opens up conversations into aspects of the lived experience of unpaid carers and the impact of caregiving on students and staff in higher education. I’ll briefly summarise aspects of the political, educational and personal dimensions that impinge on and position carers. And then foreground questions such as: how can we value and recognise the caring roles of students and staff in HE; and what makes a care-ful education?

Speaker bio: 

Julian Ingle is a Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at the University of Portsmouth. His current research ranges across the fields of critical disability studies, discourse analysis and male carer identities.

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