Our winners of the Reviewer of the Year Awards for 2023 are: Dr Robert Ping-Nan Chang and Dr Virna Rossi
Warm congratulations to both winners and a heartfelt thank you to all our reviewers for everything you do.

Dr Robert Ping-Nan Chang is an Academic Support Lecturer at Camberwell College of Arts, University of the Arts London. He has been working in the field of learning development since 2017, with all his relevant work experience at specialist HE institutions in London. He is a CeP holder and a member of the ALDinHE Events Group.
In my opinion, learning developers are also competent reviewers, given our understanding about major issues of tutor feedback and our experience of supporting students’ academic literacy, especially academic writing. My first reviewing engagement with JLDHE dated back to 2019. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of reviewing each manuscript. Each reviewing task allowed me to access first-hand research which had not yet been published, as well as to learn about interesting and important topics I am always an expert of. More importantly, through writing, I was able to communicate with and share my ideas and observations with the authors and hopefully helped them to improve their papers. I feel really honoured to be selected for the JLDHE RoYA 2022.
Dr Virna Rossi is Associate Professor at Ravensbourne University London where she leads the PGCert. A passionate teacher since 1999, she has worked in all educational sectors and has been a teacher educator since 2009. Her research focuses around the challenges of implementing more inclusive learning design. She is the author of an innovative book: Rossi, V. (2023) Inclusive Learning Design in Higher Education. London: Routledge, and its companion website: https://inclusivelearningdesign.com/.
Reviewing articles for the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education is such a pleasure – the whole process is very well set up and there is a long list of reasons why I would encourage others to get involved:
Reviewing develops my own writing and research as it makes me think critically about academic outputs.
Reviewing is a professional service and a way of ‘giving back’.
Reviewing provides ‘advanced’ access to emerging ideas and trends within T&L.
It is wonderful to see papers go through various iterations while progressively improving and knowing I have contributed to that enhancement which ultimately benefits very wide, global audiences.
Thank you for this very unexpected award. I am very honoured and hope to keep contributing to the journal.