Why Publish With Us - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Why Publish With Us

JLDHE is a high quality, research-informed, peer-reviewed journal in Learning Development

The Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) supports the production of high quality, research-informed writing in Learning Development.

We are indexed

We are indexed by the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and Google Scholar, as well as linked to CrossRef.

JLDHE is published online using Open Journal Systems and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. It is also included in the Society for Research into Higher Education publications: Research into Higher Education Abstracts and Educational Research Abstracts. JLDHE is also in the index of British education journals, the BEI and articles are listed in VOCEDplus.

No publication fees

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. JLDHE does not charge authors submission fees or article processing fees. 

Mentoring support for authors

Mentoring new authors in learning development is an intrinsic element of our publishing process at the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. We rarely reject submissions outright; instead, we open a dialogue with authors and offer substantive feedback on their submissions.

Our informal mentoring process is designed to ensure that a submission can reach its best position before we send it to reviewers, and once the review process begins, we offer authors further support to strengthen their manuscripts for publication. We can also connect authors with ALDinHE mentors to facilitate a more formal mentorship process, where desired or necessary. Please email admin@aldinhe.ac.uk if you would like to be supported through the writing process.

You can register your interest in the journal as a reader, reviewer and/or writer. We welcome the submission of drafts and proposals for papers at any time.

Author promotion

When carrying out research, the intermediaries of social media need to be thought about – agents of translation, amplifiers and network builders, for example, Linkedin and Twitter X are great examples of that. To gain traction and gain impact, we encourage you to build relationships via social media and share your research to increase impact. When sharing your published piece on social media, eg, in a talking head video, blog, social media message – please tag / email so we can reshare.

At JLDHE, we support you in promoting your work across our social media platforms to make a more significant impact and continue the conversation and exchange of ideas around your published article. Following your publication, we will contact you to help promote your writing and will create a video animation providing a short overview of your article. We will share your published piece across JLDHE’s social media platforms.

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