The Learning Development Project podcast: Episode #22 with Georgia Koromila and Ed Powell - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

The Learning Development Project podcast: Episode #22 with Georgia Koromila and Ed Powell

Decolonising the curriculum is more than diversifying the authors on a reading list. It’s about the nature of knowledge, and questioning where that knowledge comes from and why, so that we can better understand the history of the paradigms within which we work and live. As such, responsibility for it lies beyond the subject, extending into third space and Learning Development. But it needn’t be daunting. We can all reflexively consider our positioning and praxis, question our assumptions (without necessarily disagreeing with them – criticality can be positive as well as negative!), innovate, and invite reconsideration. In this way, decolonisation can become a meaningful part of our way of working, rather than an add-on. As part of this, conversation with colleagues is so important, and writing can be a useful way to increase the number of people you have a conversation with. By capturing thoughts in writing and sharing ideas with others, we invite others into conversation, deepening knowledge and travelling further together. After all, publication is not the end of the story or the end of the idea, but only the beginning!

The resources we mentioned:

Bohlmann, J. (2022) ‘DecoIonising Learning Development through reflective and relational practice’, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 24,

Mignolo, W. D., & Walsh, C. E. (2018) On decoloniality: Concepts, analytics, praxis. Duke University Press.

Sibanda, B. (2021) Non-violent pedagogical perspectives in decolonising Academic Literacy. Available at:­perspectives-in-decolonising-academic-literacy

Spivak – an introduction.­chakravorty/

And the chapter we talked about

Koromila, G. and Powell, E. (2023) Decolonisation in Learning Development. In Syska, A. and Buckley, C. (eds.) How to Be a Learning Developer in Higher Education: Critical Perspectives, Community and Practice.  Routledge. http://dx.dolorg/10.4324/9781003433347-19OPEN ACCESS

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